Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Life - March 2009

Hey Friends,

Spring is here and you know what that means... time to mingle!

Let's catch up on this month shall we...
I have to say I was a little bit uneasy about turning 25. Part of me started thinking about what I have to look forward to now. I broke it down to being 16 and getting your driver's license, then 18 and being able to vote and graduating high school, turning 21 and being able to drink (legally anyway lol), and now 25 you can rent a car! So after all that what else is there, I thought to myself? And it dawned on me, I have the future and can make it whatever I want regardless of the opinions and doubt of others. Go for the gold, DREAM BIG!

So back to the quarter-century-birthday...
The beginning of the month was difficult, because I began to recall the path my life has taken since high school ended. I thought about the people that have come and gone, and the relationships that I've had. And while there was a great deal of heartache and loss, I did realize that in spite of all that I have still remained and become an even stronger and independent person. So with that I decided to celebrate and embrace my 25th in style and with the best of the best!

This year I decided to keep the party more local and keep the guest list at about 30, rather than try and get everyone into the city like we did last year. With this economy it was just the smarter thing to do, and you know what it payed off. The bash this year was just as fabulous as it was last year, and I am so lucky to have such a great group of people in my life. With everyone these days having conflicting schedules, sometimes we forget that there are people who have our backs and will be there for us through the most difficult chapters of our lives. Looking around at the guests who were able to attend, I realized how much we've all gone through together and that they've all been recurring guest stars in my story. It's very refreshing to remember that you're not alone and that in the end someone will be there for you and will listen.

However, then there are those people who for one reason or another you've lost touch with and for the life of you cannot understand why. Sure people have jobs and issues of their own, and people drift apart. It's a fact of life, but it's important to manage to keep in touch in some way. With technology booming more than ever right now with emails, text messaging, vlogs, twitter, lol and so on... to one day just fall off the radar with no word is just sad for both parties. On a more specific note, right now there is someone I am trying to reconnect with. It's been just over one year since we lost touch. Thinking back on it, we were both going through a rough time and while I tried to reach out he pulled away or just disappeared. Everyone deals with things in their own ways, but right now I am going to do my best to reach him to simply say thank you. We were friends and whether or not he knows it, he helped me a great deal and I just want him to know that.

Which brings me to the here and now...
Life will always throw curve balls and the trick is to face them head-on and to fight your way to the top! Many people tell me how I inspire them to do better or how they envy my ways of just putting myself out there and saying what's on my mind and reaching out into the future. They ask me how I do it, and to be honest I have no idea. This is just me, it's who I am, it's who I've become. For some reason or another the hardships I've had to endure at this point in my life could very well have destroyed me. All I can say is I have to thank my grandparents; Mama and Papa. It is their strength that I have deep within my soul that I hold onto everyday and it's what I tap into whenever something has come along that threatens to bring me down. I fight back and take all of the negatives I have lived through and turn them into something else, it's all I can do. We can't change the past, the past is what it is and while it may have tortured me and left me with scars, the scars may not completely heal but they will be in a place that i will be able to acknowledge them but still successfully and happily move forward into the future.

Thank you to everyone who has stood by me through the best and worst, I love you all.

Until the next DishThis!

I remain...
Forever & Always,