Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dating, Relationships, Sex - OH MY!

The title says it all, but isn't it interesting that dating and relationships always seem to be so tedious while sex is a bit simpler and direct?

I mean think about it with dating and relationships there are always questions and things that have to be figured out so to speak, however sex is sex period! You have two people (okay sometimes maybe three or four and so on you get the point LOL) but traditionally speaking you've got two people and in the end the goal is to get off. It's simple, to the point, direct... that's the extent of it.

Those of you who truly know me, know that I have always been the relationship type and deep down I still hope to have that. However, lately I've been opening myself up to a variety of different ideas to maybe broaden my scope of what constitutes a relationship and if it is possible to separate sex and emotions and relationships.

Sometimes maybe a kiss is simply just a kiss, a physical act between people in need of some form of comfort. Do there have to be emotions involved when kissing and/or fucking? Can you really differentiate the two? I used to connect the sex with the relationship, but after my experiences with dating and relationships, I sadly am questioning whether or not you can have it all. Bottom line is I'm human and have urges and needs, what my biology is craving does not match the morals and standards I have for myself. I guess you could say I'm at a crossroads and are not sure which way to go.

In a time when STD's and HIV infection is on the rise, I find it sickening the amount of sexual promiscuity that's out there and don't get me started on the bareback sex okay. If there's ever sex to be had without a rubber, it's when you're in a committed and monogamous relationship and even then you really shouldn't. I mean c'mon people my ex and I were together for what about 4 years and he fucked everything up because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants so chances of me ever trusting a guy and doin' it bareback again are slim to none at this point. DAMN IT!!! lol

But all jokes aside how the fuck are any of us supposed to get out there and date and possibly start a relationship and share a life with someone when there's such a lack of respect amongst the populous for one another and themselves? We'll see where the road takes me, but until then I'm curious...where do you all stand on the 'sex with or without a relationship scale'?


1 comment:

LIboi4286 said...

I love sex, hate STD's and if not for all the things people have, until I was in a long term thing with someone, which is ultimately what I want, I would be a whore in a heartbeat. Sex is amazing!!!

But the world is scary, and personally I agree that sex with randoms and being promiscuous is not in anyone's best interest.

I am not holding my breath for Mr. Right to come through the door. I would have run out of oxygen long LONG ago.