Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gay Rights: OUR TIME IS NOW!!!

Happy 2009 to all of my 'DishThis' readers. I know it has been a couple of months since my last post, however no worries because here I am with a great deal to talk about.
First I would like to say, how amazing it is to see how united our country has become. Whether or not you voted for Barack Obama, it really does not matter because this feeling of being connected to one another is being felt by all of us. Here's to the future of this incredible nation!
That being said I would like to get into the main subject of this piece... GAY RIGHTS!
As you all know from reading my previous 'DishThis' piece, last November every GLBT citizen of this country was officially branded as second-class citizens. Since that unfortunate decision came to be, there has been a tremendous upheaval in the gay community. We are showing the world who we are and that we will not be silent or allow our rights as American citizens be stripped away from us! Every week since election day there have been numerous events held in the hopes of spreading awareness over the injustice that was cast amongst our community.
We've had the 'call in gay to work day', an event held in December in which everyone from gay to straight and everything in between would not go into work, nor would they go shopping. The purpose being to show the magnitude of the gay community's importance in this country and how we are an integral part of its nourishment and deserve the same rights as every heterosexual male and female.
There was a march on city hall in NYC the week following the election to show our community's outrage at the passing of Proposition 8, which repealed all gay marriages and made it illegal for us to marry the one we love and truly live our lives freely. The turnout was absolutely amazing, and we definitely were heard across the nation.
Even internet based events have become a booming avenue for us to tap into and reach those who cannot attend the previous events in person. We currently have 3 internet based events going on that will most definitely make an impact in our fight for EQUALITY!
The entertainment world has certainly been noticed for it's most recent film releases that depict the variety of struggles that face each member of our community. Such notable titles being 'Milk', and tonight's Red Carpet premiere of 'Prayers For Bobby.' Both of these films were so astonishing and inspirational, that you can't help but feel the tears build up in your eyes. These films and many more to come will undoubtedly shape the viewpoints and opinions of those who haven't truly been exposed to what it is we seek and what we go through to simply be treated as a member of the human race.
As I come to the conclusion of this entry, I would first like to thank all of my regulars for continuing to email me in my recent absence and assure you that I will be posting quite regularly from this point forward. This piece is actually the first in a series, so stay tuned!
I will be posting a few links at the bottom of this 'Dish' that are my most frequent and valued sites geared towards the awareness and fight for equal rights amongst GLBT America.
Just remember... OUR TIME IS NOW!!!
Always Love,

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