Sunday, August 24, 2008


Hello readers - been on a hiatus last couple of months but I'm back and got the scoop and ready to DishThis! :)

So lets get right to it shall we, life is at a standstill at the moment but I'm getting through it doing my thing yada yada yada. Just been taking the time lately to come to terms with some of the people in my life and whether or not they belong. It is quite sad how easily people take advantage and break trusts for no reason whatsoever. Whether it's friends or family people will fuck with you given the chance and play one party against the other just to further their agenda.
Life really is too short for games, and in this world it's a fact that playing games is necessary to survive. I never believed that, but like the old saying goes "times change and people do too." And this person is certainly changing and is done being mister nice guy, time to get ruthless.

In terms of friendship, it's been a true awakening lately seeing just who and what people are all about especially those who claim to care about me and cherish my presence in their life. Yeah umm... BULLSHIT! If people truly care about you, then they'd contact you sooner knowing that you're leaving town. Nothing like getting voicemails and text messages at the last minute asking "are you still alive, are you still in NY?" If you really gave a shit then you wouldn't allow the entire summer to pass without contacting me and getting together for drinks or whatnot. The worst was a once upon a time best friend of mine who had a falling out with me because they did not like my boyfriend. Whatever the reasoning behind it was and that my ex did turn out to be a fucking scumbag, bottomline is I've been single for almost one year now and regardless of my attempts to re-establish our friendship whether it be though emails or phone calls, they've gone unanswered. The final nail in the coffin was when a couple of weeks ago I had stopped by her place to say my goodbyes and the door went unopened. Mind you everybody was home, and they chose to ignore me. Way to be adult about things and starting over right! Oh well that's that, very sad I wish her the best and will always have a place for her in my heart, but I did all I could to start fresh. I'm always meeting new people anyway so moving on... :)

In terms of family, well it's supposed to be that you can rely on them and trust them with anything but lately I've discovered that sometimes that is not the case. I'll always be there for them but deep down I would rather take care of my life on my own without any contribution from them because with that comes unnecessary drama. The sad part about it, is that due to the complicated relationships of those that make up the generation that came prior to myself and my siblings and our cousins, there is no healthy way for any of us to have a relationship with one another. The insane drama that exists between these people is ridiculous and frankly its pathetic. My mother finds out she has a few aneurysm in her brain and suddenly everyone starts calling and or showing up at the hospital for "moral support." Give me a fucking break you're showing up so that way you can look at yourself in a mirror or go to sleep at night thinking of yourself as being a caring and concerned family member. If you truly gave a damn then you wouldn't gossip behind one another and drag the children into your web of lies and deceit. How about just calling to say hello and not only make an appearance when there is a family tragedy and or crisis brewing, ever think of that? Some people need to get off their pedestals and realize that the family you made for yourself is no better than ours and no matter what any of us end up doing with our lives, at the end of the day I can go to sleep knowing I never compare what I do or will become in the future with what it is your child claims to want to do with their lives. I love my family and wish them the best but seriously blood is not always everything, and when the time comes I'll make my own family and those who matter will be a part of my life and those who frankly aren't worth my time... well you'll know it.

Hope all my readers are doing well, it's good to be back - I've missed you all.

DishThis! : Ruthless Edition has begun!