Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sexuality: "Straight" Men Who SUCK {Literally}

Let's get right to it, but just to remind my readers... ALL names have been changed to protect the not so innocent :) Okay that being said here we go...

So some say there's always a gray area in terms of sexuality and okay to a degree I'll admit it is possible. But lets be real here people, a guy who puts a cock in his mouth and considers taking it up the ass is GAY!

I mean it's one thing for a "straight" guy (in this case Thom) who hasn't gotten laid in a long while to have a gay guy give him head, but when Thom is horny to the point where he is willing to suck and take a load in his mouth... well yeah that's a homosexual in my book! As if that wasn't enough, I don't care how insanely horny any "straight" guy is... once they consider taking it up the ass well um do I need to say anything more here? LOL I'm all for diversity and people experimenting but c'mon Thom is GAY! Not the first time for him either, so just look at yourself and accept what and who you are. In the end it will be the most liberating experience of your life and the beauty of coming out of the closet is... you only do it once! Good luck dude.

Moving on... another so called "straight" guy (in this case Carmine) who's very much in the social Well let's just say yet again a classic case of wondering when "a gray area becomes a gay area." haha I'm curious what would you think if a supposed "straight" guy for over a year continued to text you and so forth to hangout late at night to mess around? Well seems like a homosexual to me, and while Carmine wasn't as orally fixated as Thom he certainly couldn't get enough of oral from a guy that's for sure! Carmine was very handsy let's put it that way and was adamant after he shot off that nobody even know the two of them had hung out together let alone had even spoken to one another. Classic case of a guy not wanting to be labeled as gay for the simple fact of whom he associates himself with. LOL here's a tip Carmine... you don't want people to think you're gay well maybe you shouldn't be taking your clothes off with another man! Just a suggestion hunni.

However, even more fascinating are the social connections between Carmine, his ex-girlfriend, and the friends/family of all parties involved in this little triangle. Carmine I'm curious out of ALL of the gay men around... why the fuck would you choose a gay guy to hookup with that is a mutual friend of every single person in your life? LOL - sounds like ya trying to out yourself babe! I wonder how long before it all comes out amongst the populous... it will definitely be an interesting mass of emotions all around thats for sure. Good luck with the aftermath bro.

Sexuality most definitely has a gray area, but most often than not in terms of male sexuality it ends up being not so gray. Just with Thom and Carmine alone it's apparent the two have yet to accept themselves for who they are, and while we all come out in our own ways and in our own time these two seem to be doing whatever possible to have themselves be outed rather than actually having to say it. I wish em both luck even tho Carmine is a total scumbag piece of shit, LOL.

But being serious, in the end bottom line is that the gray area that seems to surround male sexuality always ends up being a gay area. End of story so save everyone the frustrations and yourselves the self-loathing and embrace who you are.

Until next time... DishThis!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dating, Relationships, Sex - OH MY!

The title says it all, but isn't it interesting that dating and relationships always seem to be so tedious while sex is a bit simpler and direct?

I mean think about it with dating and relationships there are always questions and things that have to be figured out so to speak, however sex is sex period! You have two people (okay sometimes maybe three or four and so on you get the point LOL) but traditionally speaking you've got two people and in the end the goal is to get off. It's simple, to the point, direct... that's the extent of it.

Those of you who truly know me, know that I have always been the relationship type and deep down I still hope to have that. However, lately I've been opening myself up to a variety of different ideas to maybe broaden my scope of what constitutes a relationship and if it is possible to separate sex and emotions and relationships.

Sometimes maybe a kiss is simply just a kiss, a physical act between people in need of some form of comfort. Do there have to be emotions involved when kissing and/or fucking? Can you really differentiate the two? I used to connect the sex with the relationship, but after my experiences with dating and relationships, I sadly am questioning whether or not you can have it all. Bottom line is I'm human and have urges and needs, what my biology is craving does not match the morals and standards I have for myself. I guess you could say I'm at a crossroads and are not sure which way to go.

In a time when STD's and HIV infection is on the rise, I find it sickening the amount of sexual promiscuity that's out there and don't get me started on the bareback sex okay. If there's ever sex to be had without a rubber, it's when you're in a committed and monogamous relationship and even then you really shouldn't. I mean c'mon people my ex and I were together for what about 4 years and he fucked everything up because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants so chances of me ever trusting a guy and doin' it bareback again are slim to none at this point. DAMN IT!!! lol

But all jokes aside how the fuck are any of us supposed to get out there and date and possibly start a relationship and share a life with someone when there's such a lack of respect amongst the populous for one another and themselves? We'll see where the road takes me, but until then I'm curious...where do you all stand on the 'sex with or without a relationship scale'?


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friend or Frenemy?

We all have friends and some of us even have frenemies, however is it possible to not recognize who's who anymore? Or even more puzzling, is it possible for a frenemy to become a friend?

These are just some of the things that have popped into my mind lately as I prepare for a new chapter in my life. Some of my closest friends who have a great deal of things going on (good, bad, and extremely ugly) do not seem to be making any progress no matter how much I try and help when they ask. I care about them and their lives but not to sound selfish "I have a great deal of things going on too!" I feel as if no matter what anyone ever says to anyone else, they will in the end do whatever they deem necessary to make themselves happy. Even if that means making the wrong decision for the long-run.

For example:
(ALL names have been changed to protect the not so innocent, LOL)
My friend Jeffrey hasn't called me in like 2 weeks and we haven't seen one another in about a month. To me this is unacceptable because the two of us since we met have been like "two peas in a pod." All of this seemed to change overnight when apparently his boyfriend Chaz (second time around for them mind you) made it known that there's a bit of jealousy on his part regarding the friendship Jeffrey and I have together. Neither one of us understood where the jealousy came from, but nevertheless since then our interaction with one another has completely disappeared. Then I magically get a phone call and he was crying and telling me how shitty things have been and how much he misses me and that it seems he and Chaz are breaking up but they don't. So two hours on the phone and I was able to calm him down a bit and have him go to sleep and have a fresh start the following day. Then a few days go by and he tells me that everyday they seem to have been breaking up and then 2 hours later they talk and get back together (yeah that's a great stable relationship right!) but I digress. Anyway the final straw came when I received a text message saying "I'm trying to get my life back on track its nothing anyone did I just need time. So I'm not carrying around my phone or talking to anyone. I will talk to people when I am ready. I'm sorry hunni, ttys." I get that sometimes people need time but give me a break I'm one of your best friends and you put me on hold so to speak... FUCK THAT! As if that wasn't bad enough he deleted his MySpace, and no longer has an email address either. Talk about hiding from the world, now there's no way to reach him.

Well all I can say is hopefully he figures things out and realizes what he does and does not need in his life. Sooner rather than later because shortly I'll be shall we say relocating. (that's a story for a future blog though) Bottomline here is that Jeffrey is still a dear friend of mine however to me it looks like he chose his jealous boyfriend over our friendship and that hurts. You'd think after the "Sex and the City" phenomena people would remember the truest of relationships are those held with your dearest friends because boyfriends/girlfriends come and go, but real friends are there forever!

Stay tuned for more entries into the "Friend or Frenemy?" series which will include more exploits of the people in my life.
Until then... DishThis!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SEX : It's 2008 Open Your Mouth!

Oh my god where to start, this is fucking insane! Why is it that even now in 2008 people still are so coy and can't use there words. I just spent an hour and a half, seriously 90 damn minutes on the phone listening to this queen talk about his new guy and their sex-life and future.

They met two fucking weeks ago and he's like trying to talk to me about certain things they've done in the bedroom and I'm like "for the love of god just say it." C'mon at this point just use your words people! ANAL, ORAL, FACE-FUCK, RIM, SWALLOW... I could go on but you get the point. :)

First of all what is the big deal, we're all human and we know we all do it and love it. So just speak it already, not talking about it is the problem. By not opening up it's as if there is something taboo about what you are doing. It is a part of our biological makeup to want to have sex, we are animals with intense passion and yearning for the physical closeness of another person. However, don't get me started on slutty mothafuckers, OH MY GOD THEY BOTHA ME. lol

I'm all about relationships, even though for myself right now I don't see one happening. But I digress this isn't about me (this time, haha) Anyway, if you're involved with someone on an intimate level whether it be for 2 weeks or 2 years or even 10 years for that matter. Don't sugarcoat it just speak out when you're looking for advice. My friend is such a great guy but seriously people come on when you're the bottom in the relationship it's inevitable you're gonna be completely submissive to your partner at some point. We all know it, so don't tiptoe around that, just own it and be fabulous and ask the questions you want to ask. Ughh 90 minutes of sugarcoating and I could have been watching Dynasty (yes that's right I love my Joan Collins!) Love that bitch, such a classic diva!

So what I am trying to say is OPEN YOUR MOUTH! Talk about sex with your friends and dont be afraid they are gonna judge you, and even if they talk about you later on behind your back who gives a flying fuck. All that means is you left them thinking about you and what it is you are doing in your life which means chances are they aren't doing it in theirs!

Look at me for example when I go out with my friends, I sit there over drinks and I'm catching up with all of them and they ask me how I am doing. I tell them about work and my current goals and where I want my life to go and such... But when it came to them asking me about my love-life, I simply sat there and said "Oh my god seriously I miss men you have no idea, if I wasn't a man I'd forget what a dick felt like." They all burst out laughing, hence why I am referred to as the male "Samantha Jones" (at least verbally anyway) lol.

Let's start talking people - it's time don't you think?

Until next time, DishThis!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sex And The City: The Movie

The Cosmos Are Back And Flowing: Drink Up!

Labels, Love, and Laughter are just a few of the elements that make this film a fabulous and instant phenomenon. The bottom line is, "Sex And The City" was and continues to be a thriving cult hit that has fans and newcomers raving about with excitement.

I've already seen the movie twice, obviously I was there front and center opening night cheering as the updated theme song began blasting from the speakers. There had been so much anticipation and advertising for this film that upon its arrival it was no surprise that tickets were unavailable. It's Bryant Park's Fashion Week on an insane amount of drugs. The opening was an incredible party!

The fab-four return looking just as glamorous as when we last saw them five years ago. As if that wasn't enough to appeal to audiences around the world, the beauties were once again joined by Chris Noth, David Eigenberg, Evan Handler, Jason Lewis, Mario Cantone, and Willie Garson. Definitely one of the most appealing ensemble casts of 2008.

However, we all know that in the end, the success of "SATC" rests solely on Sarah Jessica Parker's Carrie. She is of course the ring leader, which means as per usual that she is not just narrating the story but guiding us through the plot as well. Parker is back to playing the role of her career, and we all agree she couldn't be better. She’s sassy and sexy and in my book that’s quite a package.

I do give my darling Kim Cattrall an abundance of credit for her never-ending flawless portrayal of vixen Samantha Jones; the colorful PR executive who always seems to have the greatest lines and down right hilarious situations. Cattrall who had officially permitted her true age to be written into the film's story is an incredible triumph for women everywhere! Especially in today's world, Kim is nothing short of a pioneer in my eyes. While most women are covering up about a decade before the big 5-0, there she is stripping down for us as if time has stood still. Kim and her on-screen persona Samantha are the hottest fucking 50-year-olds around, and if I weren't a gay man well... lets just leave it at that.

Our gorgeous red-headed lawyer Miranda played by the naturally blonde Tony Award winner Cynthia Nixon continues to be the level-headed voice of reason. Think of Nixon as being to this dynamic what Felicity Huffman is to the stunning ladies of Wisteria Lane on ABC's "Desperate Housewives." Both are strong and independent women, but let's face it they are the calm before the inevitable storm. What I find most intriguing about Miranda this time around is that she is the one who actually has the most intense and visual sex scene throughout the entire film. Yes that's right full-frontal Miranda while Samantha lies naked on a table covered in sushi? Who would have thought was my reaction. I fucking loved it!

Kristin Davis' good-girl portrayal of the Episcopalian princess turned "reproductively challenged" Jewess had fans laughing and crying immensely. Charlotte is pregnant throughout most of the film, and seems to take the role as the comic relief in a variety of the movie's dramatic and emotional scenes. Those who have seen the film know exactly what I mean when I say it's all in the eyes. Kristin has these devilish undertones to her eyes that come out at just the right moments. The little girl who plays her daughter Lily is a gem and such a perfect fit for her and loving husband Harry. Truly a dream come true for the "eternal optimist" we know as Charlotte York Goldenblatt.

Props must be given to the outrageously talented writer/director Michael Patrick King for introducing us to Carrie's personal assistant "Louise from St. Louis." Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson who joined Carrie & Co. a mere ten days ago gives a fun and fresh feel to the "SATC" legacy. Absolutely hilarious with her stint on renting designer bags, I saw that scene and was like I have to get in on that for sure! Hudson's character brings us back to the birth of the show with her naive and inexperienced outlook on love, proving that no matter how much time passes there will always be a new generation in need of the gals from "Sex and the City."

So when can we expect the sequel?... Well as Carrie said "Stay Tuned."

"Reality" Television

Get Ready To DishThis!!!

It looks like reality television is here to stay people. Who would have thought back in 1992 when the fuckers at MTV launched the never-ending series "The Real World" that 16 years later the networks would be flooded with an abundance and diverse selection of this so called "entertainment". At this point you can't even turn on a damn channel without seeing a reality show. It seems to have a home on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX! The four largest and leading networks in the entire television arena and this is what they are filling their airwaves with!!? Who would've thought this would happen, right! Whether it be a group of strangers living together, a group of designers or chefs or hair stylists or dancers competing for a champion title and a cash prize to jump-start their careers, or even the exploits of some of the most eyed celebs in Hollywood... there's apparently something for everyone!

I must admit that I have NEVER been a fan of reality shows, nor did I think I would ever jump on the band wagon either. C'mon the only season of "The Real World" I ever watched was New Orleans (ages ago right, I know! lol) However, times are different now and while American television was changing I myself had been further growing as a person and opening myself up to the true greatness behind reality t.v. While I'm in no way supporting the endless and insufferable dance programs that seem to be taking over the airwaves (OMG they bother me!), I will say that I am hooked on BRAVO TV's reality programming! What many of these shows have done is give everyday American citizens the opportunity to show-off their talents and begin their careers. I think that is great, and I do enjoy getting to know the people cast for each season. Top Chef, Project Runway, Real Housewives of Orange County (and yes now NYC as well), possibly New Jersey Housewives too, but lets see when it airs and what drama those bitches gonna bring to us haha. Others I watch are Food Network's "The Next Food Network Star", Oxygen's "Tori & Dean: Inn Love" and the recently debut series on E! "Living Lohan" (I can't believe I have sunk so low) and "Denise Richards: It's Complicated" (I don't give a flying fuck what anyone says she is fabulous and everyone has taken to her in ALL the wrong ways.) And while I love Paris I just... ughh don't get me started on that Hilton girl. Moving on please!

I won't waste too much time on "Living Lohan", however haven't we already seen this before; a screwed-up always in the tabloid family living on Long Island? Oh that's right A&E's "Growing Up Gotti". While both families do in fact have their issues, I am tired of people and the tabloids getting into their fucking lives. Who gives a shit what the Lohan's are up to, in the end they are just like everyone else and have a right to their privacy. So leave them the hell alone. I give so much credit to Dina Lohan for having her hands full and being the single mom that she is, not many women can do it and they don't have the paparazzi to worry about. Same goes for Victoria Gotti, those three boys of hers while deep down probably sweethearts certainly keep her on her toes! Props to you both, but come on papps just let them be and make your own lives something special and then ya wont have to idolize these celebs.

And now onto Denise Richards... I have always loved this girl and do not give a fuck what people say about her or her family life. Okay so she had some major bad press for a few years and it takes two to tango I agree but she was so not in the wrong with that whole Charlie fiasco. She likes the bad boys so what that doesn't mean she deserves the treatment she received from her ex and she certainly doesn't deserve the bullshit the paparazzi dishes out into her life on a daily basis. She is fabulous and these people live to judge and spread rumors of people they don't know. Just shut the fuck up and get your own lives and leave them alone. I give Denise and the Lohan's so much credit for going ahead into the reality show arena and putting themselves out there for us all to see just how truly complicated and fucked up their lives are. To me that shows how real they are and not phased by any paparazzi bullshit.

To bring this entry to a close, I will leave off by saying one more time that I still am not 100% on board with the reality t.v. phenomenon, but as a future director and screenwriter in the industry I do love the entertainment news and programs that show the actors and their families in as close to the norm of their lives as possible. I think of my watching reality television as research, because whether myself or anyone else out there likes it or not ... it's here to stay! I would love to hear from ALL of YOU out there and how you feel about reality television and the celebs that frequent the airwaves and magazines. Comments are welcome and expected!

Until next time ... DishThis!!!